Rise up. rise up men & women of God, for you are called to be a City on a hill, a beacon of hope for all to see. You have the heart and the arms or the lost and dying to run into. And through you many will find the hope that they are looking for.
Don’t consider yourself again, but lock eyes with the Lord. And stop seeing yourself as less than and start seeing yourself as more than enough for Christ is your light! You will hold out His beacon of light and life for others! For you are a wonder to behold. He has put His glory in you and has wrapped you up in it. So then why would you hold back? For He who is your life is shining out from you. The strength you carry is Him!
This is your day to arise and shine. For He has called you to greatness! It’s time to put all your excuses behind you, for with Him all things are possible and nothing is out of reach.
So quit rehearsing your failures for His arm is not shortened so that He cannot save. But His arm reaches out to take your hand and He’s lifting you up and saying arise. It’s time to be healed from yesterday. It’s time to turn from yesterday’s history so that you can come away with your destiny. For you are my dream and A new life is waiting for you. All you have to do is enter in. For I have purchased a new day for you and it’s glorious! Your future is awaiting you. Your dreams are awaiting fulfillment! Step into the new day! For I have called you to radiate my glory and to change the world around you. And I have destined you with greatness as my resurrection power takes hold of you!
Refuse to look at your limitations any longer. This is your coming out party! You are called with purpose. You are called with a plan! You have everything you need! Just embrace it now! Embrace the resurrection power of the one who is in you & the one who completes you. For His love works in and through you. And His joy works in and through you! Who can resist the power of His love! Who can turn away from His goodness! This is your day my beautiful church! He wants to show you off with your love so real and bold that it brings a lasting revolution! God has a dream and it’s alive & living in you!
My prayer for you is that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of His immense power as it works through you!
– Ephesians 1:19
– Candice